Sunday, January 15, 2012


In this semester we are studying LSCE which is an English course. The purpose of this course is to develop our working skills such as CV, Agenda, Meeting, Meeting minutes & report.
            First of all, I improved our CV writing skills and the instructor showed us what is important in the CV and what are the employees looking for in the CV. I also learned that the CV should be simple and attractive because employers don’t have time to read long and detailed CVs
            Second, I learned how to prepare meeting agenda and what the steps of an agenda are.  I learned that the meeting should be based on the agenda’s point, and the duration and place of the meeting must be written in the agenda.
            Third, in this course I learned how to do a meeting and how to act in a meeting. I also learned that I have to stick to the time written in the agenda, and take notes in the meeting. These notes must help me in the meeting minutes and report. Also I learned that the meeting should be timed so that we can follow the time exactly.
Finally, meeting minutes and report, the instructor taught us what to include in the meeting minutes and report. They are basically include meeting results and events. The minutes must include what we will do after the meeting.
In conclusion, this course was very useful for us because it can help us in our near future, our career and our life in general


The meeting was took place in ADMC at 3:35 PM on 26 Oct 2011. It contained three points about student research at ADMC to be discussed and then decide the date & the purpose of the next meeting.
Yousef Alhashmi the leader of the committee began the meeting with discussing the development of student research at ADMC; we discussed positive issues and negative issues regarding research at ADMC in order to come up with ideas to develop researches. We agreed that there are other valuable sources that students can use beside the common source which the internet. The sources that had been mentioned are public libraries, books, articles, ADMC library data base and many other sources. However the leader decided to create a research guideline that students can follow in order to come up with a professional research. 
Then we discussed the establishment of research training courses. And we agreed that these courses must be given in during the beginning levels. But Abdulla sales disagreed with that opinion and he said that master students need these courses also. However the leader decided to discuss this issue further in the next meeting in order to stick to the time. Then we discussed the cost of these courses and how can we reduce the cost of these courses and convince the ADMC administration to approve them. Two solutions had been found in order to reduce the cost of research training courses. The first one is to teach few top level students these courses by experienced instructors and then these students can teach new students how to create a professional research. The second solution is to contact top graduated students to volunteer to teach the new students.
The last topic of the meeting agenda was the product. We decided that our product that will be handed to the ADMC administration will be list of recommendations, research guideline & establishment of research training courses. The leader asked the committee members to write the thoughts about the recommendations and research guidelines to be discussed in the next meeting on 10 Nov 2011   
The meeting finished smoothly and all members participated very well & shared their points of views without any interruption. All points & objective have been covered & discussed and we finished on time.


                                                                                                           26 Oct 2011
                                                                                                             3:35 PM to 4:00 PM
                                                                                                             ADMC   J16
Meeting called by: V. Gregory                               Type of meeting: developing meeting
Facilitator: Yousef Alhashmi                                    Note taker: Abdulla masoud
Time taker: Abdulla masoud                                   Attendance:  Abdull salah
Absence: Sauod Abdulla
v  Introduction of the meeting
The leader of the committee welcomed all the attendances and appreciated their punctuality. Then, he introduced the agenda for the committee.

v  Agenda item: discuss student research at ADMC
Ø  Discussion
First of all, we discussed the positive issues about student research at ADMC. Then we discussed the negative issues. Some of the negative issues discussed in the meeting were; search engines, libraries systems, usage of other research sources beside internet. Each member of the committee participated with his own point of view about research at ADMC.       

Ø  Conclusions
The committee agreed to develop new efficient research method at ADMC. We also agreed to design research guidelines for ADMC students to follow.
Ø  Action Items                                           person responsible                         Deadline
§  Design draft guidelines                     Abdulla Saleh                                 10 Nov
§  Further research about the topic       Sauod Abdulla                                10 Nov

v  Agenda item: research training courses
Ø  Discussion
We discussed the importance of research training courses for new ADMC student. However, Abdulla Saleh had different point of view. He said that we must establish research training courses for master students but the committee decided to discuss that further in the next meeting. The committee discussed the cost of these courses and came up with some solutions to reduce the cost in order to gain ADMC administration approval. i.e. contact top graduated students to teach new student how to research. 

Ø  Conclusion
The committee agreed to discuss the establishment of training courses with ADMC administration and convince them to approve these courses.

Ø  Action Items                                                    person responsible                Deadline
§  Contact graduated students                       Yousef Alhashmi                  10 Nov
§  Set an appointment with ADMC admin      Sauod Abdulla                    10 Nov

v  Agenda Item: Final product & closing

Ø  Discussion
The leader had summarized the meeting and decided with the members of the committee that the final product of the committee will be list of recommendations, research guidelines & research training courses.

Ø  Conclusion
We agreed that each member should write his recommendations & research guidelines to be discussed in the next meeting in order to discuss them later with the ADMC administration.
Ø  Action Items                                                    person responsible                Deadline
§  Write recommendations                             All members                           10 Nov
§  Write guidelines                                         All members                           10 Nov



Date of meeting: 26 Oct 2011           Time of meeting: 3:30 pm

Venue: ADMC Room No. J16                   Purpose: Discuss student research at ADMC
Product: list of recommendations, research guidelines & training courses

Meeting participants:
Participant: Yousef AlHashmi, Abdulla Saleh, Abdulla Masoud, Souad Abdulla
Leader: Yousef Alhashmi
Note taker: Souad Abdulla
Time taker: Abdulla Masoud

Venue preparation: tables and chairs for 4 students

1-      Discuss student research at ADMC and develop new efficient research methods

2-      Establish research training course for students

3-      Final product: list of recommendations, research guidelines & training courses  (to be discussed with ADMC administration in order to gain their support)

The most significant purpose of this meeting is improving research method at ADMC. To achieve this objective we will discuss and find negative issues in research method in ADMC and come up with a list of recommendations & new guidelines for students to follow in their research. However, we will discuss suggesting the establishment of training courses for interested students in professional research. Later, we will discuss meeting the ADMC administration in order to discuss the recommendations, new guidelines & to get authorization and financial support for the training courses.  
Finally, I would like to mention that time is very important and we are planning to stick to the time table during the group meeting. So that, each point in the agenda will not take more than 10 minutes at most.